1.  Question: What is the assessment period for lecturers and employees?

 Answer: The performance assessment of lecturers starts from 1st of September to 31st August in the following academic year. While for employees, the assessment starts from 1st January to 31st December, i.e. a calendar year.


 2.  Question: Who is comprised in the administrative teaching form?


Answer: This form includes the deans’ assistants, heads of scientific and administrative departments, department assistance, division and unit officials. This classification based on performance assessment instructions for the year 2019/2020.


3.  Question: What is the specified period for the administrative position, which can be included in the administrative teaching form?


Answer: The period specified for a teacher who has an administrative position is (six months) .However, when the period is less than six months, s/he shall be assessed according to the longer period.


4.  Question: How are lecturers and employees who have long vacations (sick, maternity, etc.) to be dealt with during the evaluation period?


Answer: The lecturers who has completed six months of (actual teaching) are assessed during the academic year, while the employee is assessed, if s/he completes (six months) in the calendar year.


5.  Question: How do you deal with lecturers who have a scientific title, but they have never taught a class?


Answer: Lecturers who possesses a scientific title must participate in the teaching process since, if s/he doesn't, their assessment for teaching will be (zero).


6.  Question: Can extra-curricular (non-class) activities replace the teaching assessment in the assessment form in the event that the teacher does not teach?


Answer: It cannot do so, as extra-curricular (non-class) activities can be a substitute for the teaching axis for teaching student activities only.


7.  Question: Are new lecturers are assessed upon appointment or transferred from other ministries?


Answer: New lectures are assessed upon appointment only after the confirmation order is issued. Whereas, the lectures transferred from other ministries are assessed after completing a calendar year.


8.  Question: Is there any possibility to include the period from (1st July to 31st August) of each academic year within the period specified for the assessment?


Answer: This period is not counted within the assessment period. But it is possible to add the scientific activities obtained by the lecturer in this period.